Eight rules for working something out

1. get everything you have (ideas, bits of paper, lists, lists of people). put in one place, or write everything down.
2. pretend you're five and write about how you'd want it to work out, without worrying about if it's realistic.
3. pretend you're super-critical and miserable and cut down all the five-year-old's ideas until you have something very realistic and boring
4. pretend it's a beautiful, sunny day outside and you're in a good mood and you're going to give the five-year-old a break and maybe you were too sensible and make it a bit more like you wish it could be
5. now come up with every possible way of doing the thing and express it in every way possible - draw it, write it, make lists, make models, paint it, ring people up and tell them, interpretive dance, a song, more lists, screenplay, storyboard, tv advert
6. no take all of those versions and mock-ups and prototypes and bits of paper and destroy them all. so you have a totally blank slate
7. don't do anything. forget everything. just wait. at some point the worked-out idea will pop into your head. maybe just a word, maybe a whole plan.
8. the first step. go do the first thing

(weg der acht)

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